• Sie erreichen uns unter 0765872804
  • Versand durch Post AG
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  • Sie erreichen uns unter 0765872804
  • Versand durch Post AG
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520 Carbon Hauptrotorblätter (3 Stk)

Artikelnummer: HD520D

CHF 117.50
Steuerbefreit gemäss § 19 UStG, zzgl. Versand
Auf Bestellung
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Tagen Tag(e)



• Use for 550E Three-Blade Rotor Head.
• The new blades are uniquely special designed for three-blade rotor set with classical color painting and airfoil. Remarkable gravity position create rich agility and stability!
• Even it reduces 10g for each blade weight, it can still keep well blade strength and torsional resistance, also increase flight time for incredible flight experience.


Shape: Symmetrical wing
Length: 690x60x8.05mm
Width: 14mm
Shaft Diameter: 5mm
Weight: approx. 280g/set